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Smoked Turkey Half

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Smoked Turkey needs to be reheated to 175° before eating!

We smoke small whole birds or half birds (10 – 12 lbs. each) for over 11 hours. When completed, we rapid chill them down to below 40°, then vacuum seal and refrigerate to lock in all the goodness. It is important then to ensure that the smoked turkey is fully reheated before consuming. Here are a couple ways to do this:

Reheating Whole: You can put your smoked turkey in a roasting pan whole, covered in foil, on a lower oven temperature (about 325°). We also recommend adding some turkey bone broth to the bottom of the roasting pan  with the turkey elevated on a rack. Additionally, you can place a pan of water on a lower oven rack below the roasting pan to create some steam while bringing the turkey up to temp. It can take quite a long time to get up to temp though… so be sure to give it lots of time because it is going from frigid to 165° plus… Plan on it taking a few hours (4 – 6) on a low temp.

Reheating in Parts: To speed things up, you can also part out (debone) the smoked turkey and then reheat it in parts which does go much faster! We also recommend adding bone broth at the bottom of the pan which adds great moisture and flavor. The warm bone broth and pan drippings then can be used to make gravy.

Most of these articles have similar recommendations: (low and slow at 325° and well covered to retain moisture)

Remember! The key is to thoroughly reheat to at least 175° in all parts of the turkey.

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