Turkey Pet Grind with Bones
Pet Food Only - Not For Human Consumption
Ground Turkey with Bones
- 1 LB. (INDV 1 LB. BAG)
- 20 LBS. (20 INDV 1 LB. BAGS)
- 5 LB. (INDV 5 LB. BAG)
- 50 LBS. (10 INDV 5 LB. BAGS)
We offer our Ground Turkey Bones in one and five pound bags. This blend of raw, ground turkey consists of backs, leg, thigh, wings, keel, bones as well as the lungs, kidneys, testicles and tails of the turkey. We send it through the grinder with a quarter inch plate so the bones are small enough for dogs but not super fine.
Turkey Pet Grind with Bones Fine
Pet Food Only - Not For Human Consumption
Ground Turkey with Bones FINE
- 1 LB. (INDV 1 LB. BAG)
- 20 LBS. (20 INDV 1 LB. BAGS)
- 5 LB. (INDV 5 LB. BAG)
- 50 LBS. (10 INDV 5 LB. BAGS)
This pack of raw, ground turkey consists of backs, leg, thigh, wings, keel, bones as well as the lungs, kidneys, testicles and tails of the turkey. We send it through the grinder with a 1/4 inch plate and then resend it through with the 1/8 inch plate so it is an extra fine grind for small dogs and cats.
Turkey Pet Grind Primal Blend
Pet Food Only - Not For Human Consumption
Ground Turkey - Primal Blend Grind
- 1 LB. (INDV 1 LB. BAG)
- 20 LBS. (20 INDV 1 LB. BAGS)
- 5 LB. (INDV 5 LB. BAG)
- 50 LBS. (10 INDV 5 LB. BAGS) Out of Stock
Our Primal Grind is offered in one pound packs and 5 pound chubs. It includes raw, ground turkey and consists of the entire bird including backs, leg, thigh, wings, keel, bones as well as the lungs, kidneys, testicles, liver, hearts, heads, feet and tails of the turkey. We send it through the grinder with a quarter inch plate so the bones are small enough for dogs but not super fine.
Turkey Pet Grind with Tendons
Pet Food Only - Not For Human Consumption
Ground Dark Turkey Meat with Tendon Bits
- 1 LB. (INDV 1 LB. BAG)
- 20 LBS. (20 INDV 1 LB. BAGS)
- 5 LB. (INDV 5 LB. BAG)
- 50 LBS. (10 INDV 5 LB. BAGS) Out of Stock
One or five pound packs of raw, ground turkey consisting of ground dark leg meat and tendons bits.
Turkey Pet Tails
Pet Food Only - Not For Human Consumption
Turkey Tails
- 2 lb. pack - 2 Tails
A pack of 2 Turkey Tails for your pets.
Turkey Pet Heads
Pet Food Only - Not For Human Consumption
Turkey Heads
A pack of 5 Turkey Heads for your pets weighing a little over 2 pounds.
Turkey Pet Kidneys
Pet Food Only - Not For Human Consumption
Turkey Kidneys
- One Pound Pack
A one pound pack of Turkey Kidneys for your pets.
Turkey Pet Testicles
Pet Food Only - Not For Human Consumption
Turkey Testicles
- One Pound Pack
A one pound pack of Turkey Testicles for your pets.
Turkey Pet Lungs
Pet Food Only - Not For Human Consumption
Turkey Lungs
- 1/2 Pound Pack
A half pound pack of Turkey Lungs for your pets.
Turkey Gizzards
weight is approximate
Our Pasture Raised, Boneless Turkey Gizzards are available in a 1 pound pack.
Turkey Necks
weight is approximate
Our Pasture Raised Turkey Necks are available in 3 pound packs and are great for making stock.
Turkey Necks Bulk
weight is approximate
Our Pasture Raised Turkey Necks are also available in bulk cases which are made up of 3 - 4 individual vacuum sealed packs.
Turkey Hearts
weight is approximate
Our Pasture Raised Turkey Hearts are available in a one pound pack.
Turkey Liver
weight is approximate
Our Pasture Raised Turkey Liver is available in 1 pound packs.
Chicken Pet Grind With Bones
Pet Food Only - Not For Human Consumption
Ground Chicken with Bones
- 1 LB. (INDV 1 LB. BAG)
- 20 LBS. (20 INDV 1 LB. BAGS)
- 5 LB. (INDV 5 LB. BAG)
- 50 LBS. (10 INDV 5 LB. BAGS)
This pack of raw, ground chicken consists of backs, leg, thigh, wings, keel, bones as well as the lungs, kidneys, testicles and tails. We send it through the grinder with a quarter inch plate so the bones are small.
Chicken Hearts
Since we don't include giblets with our whole chickens, you can order your favorite extra chicken parts separately.
Chicken Liver
Since we don't include giblets with our whole chickens, you can order your favorite extra chicken parts separately.
Chicken Gizzards
Since we don't include giblets with our whole chickens, you can order your favorite extra chicken parts separately. Here's a helpful article about gizzards: Spruce Eats
Chicken Necks Bulk
weight is approximate
Our Pasture Raised Chicken Necks are also available in a 33 pound cases which are made up of 4 smaller vacuum sealed packs weighing 8 lbs. each.
Chicken Necks
Since we don't include giblets with our whole chickens, you can order your favorite extra chicken parts separately.
Chicken Feet
Chicken Feet are great for stock and broth making. They are cleaned but not peeled.
Turkey Feet
Turkey Feet are great for stock and broth making or as a pet treat. They are cleaned but not peeled.
Chicken Backs
We occasionally save backs after deboning the chickens. Perfect for making stock!
Goose Pet Grind with Bones
Pet Food Only - Not For Human Consumption
Ground Goose with Bones
2 lb. pack
This pack of raw, ground goose consists of backs, legs, thighs, wings, keel, bones as well as kidneys of the goose. We send it through the grinder with a quarter inch plate so the bones are small.
Goose Pet Heads
Pet Food Only - Not For Human Consumption
Goose Heads
- 2 - 3 lb. Pack
A pack of Goose Heads for your pets.
Goose Pet Feet
Pet Food Only - Not For Human Consumption
Goose Feet
- 1 lb. Pack
Unpeeled and suitable for pets.
Duck Pet Grind Primal Blend
Pet Food Only - Not For Human Consumption
Ground Duck - Primal Blend Grind
2 lb. pack
This pack of raw, ground duck consists of the entire bird including backs, leg, thigh, wings, keel, bones as well as the lungs, kidneys, giblets, heads and feet and tails. We send it through the grinder with a quarter inch plate so the bones are small enough for dogs but not super fine.