Are you GMO free?
No, we have used Non-GMO feed in the past but the cost of the feed was so high that it made the end price cumbersome and unapproachable to most customers. One of the struggles of being GMO free is the protein source within the ration, more specifically soy. Most GMO free soy has to be organic certified and often comes from China or South America. We feel like buying from these sources would negate most of the net benefit because we don’t want to support the farming practices of taking down rain forests or China’s unreliable labeling.
Are you certified Organic?
No, we are working toward organic feed but we are at a point that we would need to make it ourselves to insure the elements of the feed are cost effective and raised in sustainable ways.
Are you Soy free?
To expand upon the above explanation, Turkeys require a very high amount of protein in their ration, over 23%. Soy is one of the best sources of grain protein and is complicated to replace. We have experimented with things like camelina, field peas and fish meal as substitutes but these haven’t worked for a couple reasons. It’s a balance finding mills who are capable of making what we need in the volumes we use, at a reasonable price, without adversely affecting end flavor of the meat which some substitutes do.